ATIZ in Pushkin Library: Computer Technologies for Children

May 31, 2008 on 11:47 am | In General, News | No Comments

ALEE SOFTWARE company, exclusive ATIZ distributor in Russia and CIS, presented the BOOKSNAP scanner at new exhibition complex “Computer education for children”. BOOKSNAP was also shown at the “New technologies in the library” exhibition opening, which passed from 14 to May 31, 2008 and was devoted to digital technologies development’s main directions. 

Both events were held in the Children’s municipal central library named after A.S. Pushkin; it is the largest St. Petersburg children’s library, which has centralized system status, uniting several children’s libraries. Main library and all its branches are equipped with all necessary modern technologies for younger generation training and development their creative potential – educational audio fund, video films in original language, CD with training programs; there are also – subscription databases, thematic web-resources and virtual library exhibition in the on-line access. 

Major organizations, providing services for library sector – publishing, IT-companies, specializing in software development and many others – took part at the events preparation. BOOKSNAP was presented to the guests and participants as specialized equipment for careful scanning book funds, optimized for work with the library sector of. It caused great interest among specialist, who appreciated its highest scanning quality and revolutionary price.

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